Thursday, June 2, 2011


A friend of mine recently told me about this (British) website called It is wholly composed of pictures secretly taken by girls of guys they think are hot on the tube (another reason of putting high pixel iphone cams to good use). I could not stop laughing at the idea and even more so when I went to the site and read the comments of these girls! yes it's creepy but it's so kind of naive and sweet. Some were pretty cute, but for the most part, it just goes to prove that almost anybody can secretly be admired, like maybe even this second, and they would not know it. I guess it's a good thing that beauty is really in the eye of the beholder so we don't all need to look like supermodels. I wonder if there is an equivalent site for girls or would that be even more creepy and stalkerish?

Audrey Tautou in Happenstance

There is always something mysterious and romantic about people falling in love on the tube or train. It stems from that hope or fantasy that love at first sight truly exists and every second could be THE opportunity. Movies are inspired by this (see Happenstance aka Le battement d'ailes du papillon or Before Sunrise) TV commercials or that creepy music video by Savage Garden with Kirsten Dunst for  I Knew I Loved You). Even in real life, there was a NY guy who started a whole ad campaign to reunite with this random girl he saw on the metro and started a website Btw I heard that didn't work out.

I wonder if these things ever happen in real life. What's more, I kind of hope that some of the guys on that website will see themselves and get in touch with the girls who posted them and have a happily ever after.

Love this commercial and totally proves my point:

1 comment:

Anna Rice said...

Yes! I love Happenstance! I think of this same thing. Or even the times that I've spoken to people on the subway or train and then never saw them again. I mean what are the odds that we'd ever bump into each other again? But there's no reason to exchange info with a random person you have a short conversation with even if you think potentially they could be a life-long friend. who knows....