Friday, June 17, 2011

A Jane Austen State of Mind

Lately I've been feeling in a Jane Austen sort of mood. I think it's in direct correlation of the weather, when it feels like it has been gray and rainy for 5 months straight in Vancouver, the only thing tolerable is if I try to romanticize it as the backdrop to Austen type of movies with girls in white dresses walking among the muddy fields. And let me add that it really does feel like an eternally cold spring this year for us, in fact the coldest spring we've had in 55 years. For once, I'm sure that even those in Scotland, Dublin, and Holland probably have experienced more sunshine than us!

So what I usually do is curl up in a chunky blanket and watch Austen type of movies, Becoming Jane and Sense & Sensibility are good picks (and no, I'm definitely not a "Janeite" who dresses up and fantasize about Mr. Darcies).  I haven't actually read her novels for awhile. Firstly there are not many to begin with, and her writing takes getting used to because she uses a lot of long sentences and commas. I'm also not too fond of those Jane Austen fan fiction type of books that are spin offs or prequels/sequels.

A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really MatterBut recently I came across an interesting title called A Jane Austen Education. What attracted me was that cover (as usual, I'm easily sold) and that it was written by a male academic who tells how Austen's novels taught him lessons about life. Each chapter focuses on one of Austen's books and the writing style is easy to read, making this a balance of memoir, self-help, and biography of both author and Jane Austen. A few of his arguments seem weak, but in general I was pleasantly surprised that it gave me a new perspective of viewing Jane Austen and her works. I admit that I've always taken her novels at face value as sort of classic chick-lit and never took the time to delve deeper and consider additional underlying themes and how relevant they still are in today's society. So if you have a chance, do consider this pick and let me know of your suggestions too!

Love this picture and mood!


Unknown said...

i absolutely adore jane austen novels/types of movies!

welltravelledbrit said...

The coldest spring in 55 years, how awful. I hope you have a beautiful summer and that it doesn't distract from Austen!

Anna Rice said...

It's even been "colder" than usual here in sunny Southern California. We've had mostly 70s days and 60s nights which is cool for June. But I still have to draw my inspiration for period movies and books from my brain since it's still sunny and not rainy, ha ha. I've been in a Jane Austen mood AND a Charlotte Bronte mood lately. Watching every Jane Eyre movie and series I can find.