Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Teen Revival

Did anyone watch the MTV Movie Awards last night? I must be getting old because it seems like the show gets more and more boring each year. Especially since Twilight swept almost all the categories thanks to the thirteen year old Twi-Hards who make up the voting majority. Only in this show would Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart win top actor and actress. The only emotion Kristen can cause her audience is discomfort from watching her awkward squirming on stage. I kind of the miss the headline stealing era of the Movie Awards when Britney Spears caused various shenanigans like fake kissing other girls and bringing pythons on stage or Ben Stiller cameos in the taped segments. Now that I think about it, that's probably 10 years ago.

 Easy A
However I was glad to see Emma Stone win for best comedic performance. I saw the movie Easy A just last week and even though it was another teenage movie, I thought it had depth and a purpose, which contrasted from the usual predictable teen romantic flick with stereotypical supporting characters. I also liked that it referenced to The Scarlet Letter throughout and had a cool soundtrack. if you haven't seen it yet, believe the reviews, it is a good choice and Stanley Tucci totally shows off his underestimated comedic talent in all his scenes.

Every time I watch a recent movie set in a high school I feel so relieved that the experience is behind me and I don't have to do that again anymore. I had an ok experience. I strictly went to learn, and pulled through with good academics but regret not participating more in the other social and extra curricular activities. You would expect that if one survived the high school jungle they would succeed in the 'real world' but to be honest, reality is nothing like high school and that is a huge relief. If I was magically thrown back into a modern day high school I am not sure I would survive it again the second time around. It seems that the girls today have evolved into a different female species compared to when I was in school. Some comedian once remarked, "Don't send soldiers to Afghanistan, send teenage girls, nothing is scarier and more vicious." I think she's right!

1 comment:

Anna Rice said...

I haven't seen Easy A yet but definitely want to. Everyone has said it's good and I really like Emma Stone. I love her voice. I didn't watch the awards show and haven't watched it really since I was in high school when it was vaguely interesting.