Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Paris Je T'Aime

I've always loved England but back in 2005 when I finally had a chance to visit Paris, I have to admit that it really crept up to a photo finish second. Everywhere, the city has touches of cream and gold in its architecture, with windows accented by pastel and golden brown pastries. I sometimes imagine certain cities to be masculine, Berlin for example, but Paris really is the opposite and has a feminine aesthetic.

Lately I've been trying to cut back a few pounds as the summer is in full swing, but perhaps it is bad timing because I was also reading David Leibovitz's The Sweet Life in Paris. Every page is an enticement as he talks in detail about food, food, and more food. He also puts in recipes in between so I'll definitely have to try a few as well. You have to admit that a book about food is a lot more interesting to read than, let's say, Safran Foer's Eating Animals.

One of my favorite things to do on vacations is going to supermarkets and outdoor farmer markets. Food is so central to a culture, it says so much about about the people and their identities. How can any traveler deny the importance of eating local cuisine? If anything, a good meal is the best souvenir one can buy on a trip. I can't imagine traveling with people who insist on eating familiar food abroad. Yet I know people who would go to Paris and seek the closest McDonalds.

Come to think of it, a lot of the best things I ate are from traveling. I feel like I will be turning into a foodie in no time and start gushing about heirloom tomatoes or something...

And on a separate note, I just saw the latest Woody Allen flick, Midnight in Paris (with Owen Wilson and Marion Cotillard) and really liked it so don't miss!

1 comment:

Anna Rice said...

I looooooooved Paris. The first time I went I was a 23 year old American and not much of a foodie and was the person who went straight to McD's. But then discovered what Paris food has to offer and enjoyed a very typical French meal with my friend's family and was hooked. Since then I've been way more adventurous and I'm looking forward to going back to Paris as a wiser adult and enjoying better food. It's so funny you posted because I honestly was just thinking about this earlier this week because I crave French food and there's a great French restaurant here in Phoenix I wanted to go to.