Sunday, July 31, 2011

Downton Abbey

I've heard a lot of good things about this series but for some reason it never jumped at me because from the trailer it looked a bit stuffy and boring. I'm glad I decided to give it a chance because it turns out that it is another BBC winner to add to my list. The story focuses on the aristocratic Grantham family and the servants that work for them. It is actually quite interesting to see how the two worlds differ and overlap. Written by Julian Fellowes (who wrote Gosford Park), the story has a lot of conflicts and romance and gossip between the two worlds, and it's all in the middle of the new 20th century and the changes this era brings.  I really enjoyed seeing the workings of the servant class and how structured and complex they can be. As always, the acting, sets and costumes are top notch. I heard due to the success of this, they will make another season of the series and I can't wait for that too.


Anna Rice said...

I've seen only the 1st episode so far but I'm surprised how good it is too. I thought the same thing at first but I really like it.

welltravelledbrit said...

The second series will be showing in the UK soon and the third is in the works, I love this one too.