I can't stand any of those crude parody movies like Scary Movie, Date Movie, etc. but recently I saw Vampires Suck which is a parody of, obviously, the Twilight films. I have a love-hate relationship with the whole Twilight ordeal because I was among the first to get into it and kept telling my friends how awful they were, but still good in a guilty pleasure sort of way - like one might feel after eating a whole sleeve of Oreos. I got as far in as buying the whole set of books, but stopped way in advance of scary looking Team Edward pillowcases. So even though I know this movie is going to, well SUCK, I had to see how bad it would be (like picking a scab).
The surprise was it wasn't THAT bad, and there were some genuinely LOL moments. For example:
Edward: "What do vampires eat?"
Bella: "Vampire cereal?" [holds up box of Count Chocula cereal]...hehe
I think it's because the actual Twilight films are so laughable in the first place with its super lame acting and cliched lines, so really, it can't get worse. I actually preferred this Bella - or in this film, Becca - because she totally perfected the Kristen Stewart lip biting and stomach pain expression and this Jacob also looks cuter than Taylor Lautner. So if you feel like indulging your inner teenage girl and having some purely brainless entertainment for an hour or so, go for it.
Note: I've noticed some trouble commenting to other people's blogs for some reason, notably the embedded style of commenting, so if anyone can give me some pointers to change browser settings or the like please let me know!
1 comment:
I have issues commenting on other blogger blogs if they don't allow the popup comments in Firefox. I think I tried with IE and it was fine though.
I actually have been wanting to see this movie for the same reason as you. I didn't get into Twilight as early as most but when I did I was hooked the first book even though I didn't think it was the best writing ever. There's just something about it which lures you in. Granted, I couldn't finish the series but I still enjoy the movies for what they are. It's a battle as someone who appreciates quality films and books to admit you like Twilight. ;)
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