Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The First Five

Ok, I am not sure how to start off one of the first posts and I am still trying to figure out the mechanics of Blogger so perhaps it might be easier to list 5 of my favorite things or facts about myself as a brief introduction!

  1. I currently live in Vancouver, Canada. It's a great city, beautiful and has almost any food imaginable. Every time I travel elsewhere I get a bit excited to be home.
  2. My favorite classic authors are Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy. I also like Dickens but rather watch the BBC movies than read the actual books because they are so long
  3. I'm a bit of an Anglophile and like all things British. Also I adore France and all its food and architecture. I'm also a fan of those cheesy french romantic comedies they are so good at making
  4. Someday I would like to develop my photography hobby but at the moment I only have a common point and shoot digi cam
  5. Pink is my favorite color


Anonymous said...

Hi, and thanks for commenting on my blog! It seems we have a few things in common. I look forward to your posts!

Anna Rice said...

One day I'll visit Vancouver! And Canada in general. I've never been but still want to go. Bill and I keep talking about it but hasn't happened yet. I've been reading a lot of Austen lately and I love her. Just finished Northanger Abbey.

Maaike said...

welcome to the world of blogging! How lovely you live in Van, it is for sure one of my favorite cities in the world...


love Maaike